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回顾:Teradek Link Pro双肩包和核心

Teradek's Link Pro Backpack offers enhanced MIMO (multiple input, 多输出)蜂窝连接, 加上键合蜂窝的可靠性, connected to Teradek's powerful Link WiFi Access Point, and all rolled together in a backpack powered by your choice of V-Lock or 3-stud battery.

如今,人们从四面八方涌来. 同时, 其他所有人也都想要被连接起来, 使现有蜂窝基础设施紧张. Teradek’s Link Pro Backpack offers enhanced MIMO (multiple input, 多输出)蜂窝连接, 加上键合蜂窝的可靠性, connected to Teradek’s powerful Link WiFi Access Point, and all rolled together in a backpack powered by your choice of V-Lock or 3-stud battery.


Teradek offered to let me test their Link Pro Backpack. As one who uses WiFi fairly regularly now in multicam live production, I was interested. 它是完全包装和连接的. 正常情况下, end users would then need to activate 1-4 cellular SIM cards in the Node modems, but Teradek has supplied the loaner with a few of their own activated SIM cards.

The backpack consists of Teradek’s Link WiFi Access Point (WAP) and multiple Node modems (下面的图1). 这些调制解调器每个都有两个大的, external antennas so the modems can send and receive data on multiple bands simultaneously. 这些大天线也做了一个远, far better job of reaching out than the tiny little antennas in your cell phone.

图1. Teradek Link Pro背包

The Link is powered by an external battery and also supplies power to each of the connected Node modems (下面的图2). The Link spreads the uplink to the web across all connected internet devices, 无论是Link调制解调器, u盘调制解调器, 或者以太网电缆.

图2. Teradek Node调制解调器

I was initially skeptical of the use of a backpack for such a solution, 因为在体育或新闻中, 我在想一个可安装的工具包, or a small rugged plastic case would be more appropriate. But opening the case up, I can see several benefits to Teradek’s design. Not only is it considerably lighter than I expected because of the materials used, 但是内部设计很紧凑, 每样东西都有一个位置, 每件事之间的空间, so the RF from one device isn’t overloading the other.

There are pockets for each Node modem and the long antennas. Cables from each Node snake back through the backpack to the Link to pass cellular data, 并将能量从链接传递给节点. The Link's four external antennas are spaced evenly around the case to avoid nulls. And there’s space enough for a really big battery to run it all day. 在附带的视频中 

There are several mesh vents to let air pass through to cool the gear, and the top flap protects the gear while offering a window to see the status of everything at a glance on the Link. Plus, the fact that it’s a backpack makes it easy to carry from the car to the site. It just makes it very ungainly to put on top of a stand and hoist high in the air.

One way Teradek could definitely improve the product is by flipping the Link around. With all the Node modems already plugged in, there’s no reason to unplug them. 他们会一直这样. 但需要插入多个Node调制解调器, accessing the ethernet ports under the Node plugs is very difficult. I’d rather the hardwired stuff that I’m not going to mess with be below what I do need to access. I connected a PC to the Link directly to access the menus and create the connection to... 的核心!

安东尼Burokas provides an in-depth look at the Teradek Vidiu X Live Streaming Encoder.
I found the VidiU Go to be up to the Teradek standard of professional production gear, 现在来看看手机, 绑定流媒体观众.
Live:Air gives the user the ability to switch among up to four cameras while mixing in titles, 图形, 还有预先录好的b-roll. While the theoretical capabilities of such a setup are very exciting, the technological limitations of current iPad models are keeping the system from reaching its full potential.
The Teradek Live:Air accepts multiple streams from different sources, 让你可以混合一个事件, 然后发送到Livestream, Ustream, 或任何rtmp兼容的服务器, 只使用iPad.
Teradek VP Sales Jon Landsman discusses live streaming problem-solving and new announcements at 流媒体 East 2018.