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亚马逊 Web Services Direct Connect Now Available in the EdgeConneX® 波特兰边缘数据中心®

New AWS Direct Connect Location Extends Cloud Access to the Edge


EdgeConneX®, specializing in global data center solutions at the edge of the 网络, today announces the availability of 亚马逊 Web Services (AWS) Direct Connect in its 波特兰边缘数据中心®. 使用AWS直连, companies in the Pacific Northwest can connect their IT infrastructure directly to 亚马逊 Web Services, establishing a private connection to the 云 that can reduce costs, increase performance and provide a more consistent 网络 experience. The announcement marks the first metro offering for AWS Direct Connect in Portland and the first AWS deployment for EdgeConneX.

带来内容的想法, the 云 and applications closer to end-users is one that has been predicted by many industry experts. 具体地说, in a report titled “The Edge Manifesto: Digital Business, 富媒体, Latency Sensitivity and the Use of Distributed Data Centers” (July 2015), Gartner analyst Bob Gill states, “We've begun the move to digital business, including rich content via mobile devices, 那里的人们, their devices and even unattended "things" become actors in transactions.吉尔进一步预测, “优化体验, Gartner believes the topology of 网络ed data centers will push over the next five years from a centralized, 大型数据中心方法, 1的增广倍数, 小, distributed sources and sinks of content and 信息, 是否位于分布, 企业拥有的数据中心, 主机提供商, 主机托管或云.”

“The Internet of Everywhere requires a highly diverse and distributed content and 云 architecture, with the 网络 edge extended beyond traditional major peering hubs to ensure the service quality and experience expected by today’s enterprises and consumers,克林特·海登评论道, 首席商务官, EdgeConneX. “AWS Direct Connect provides the Portland/Hillsboro regional enterprise and consumer end-users an easy, high-performance and private on-ramp to the 云 at the edge, enabling access to 亚马逊’s powerful web services and effective deployment of hybrid solutions supported by EdgeConneX’s world-class EDC infrastructure.”

The EdgeConneX Portland EDC is purpose-built to offer security, speed and performance improvements. These innovations enable customers to deliver digital content, 云 and applications to end-users as fast as possible. Edge Data Centers are proximity-based, strategically located nearest to the end-user’s point of access to reduce 网络 latency and optimize performance. Local proximity access also brings the 云 closer to the enterprise, 启用更安全的, real-time access to 云 applications and services while offering reduced backbone transport costs.

For more 信息 about EdgeConneX and its leading Edge of 网络 infrastructure solutions for expanding and improving access to wireless and data communications, 访问:edgeconnex.或电邮至

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EdgeConneX® is a global data center provider specializing in infrastructure solutions at the edge of the 网络. 他们提供空间和能量 & 内容的连接性, 网络, 云, 主机托管, cdn和服务提供商, 还有无线运营商, 电信公司, 商业地产业主. EdgeConneX has created a new Edge for traditional 网络s, offering superior performance and economics. Their purpose-built Meet You Points® optimize delivery of data at 网络-critical locations closest to the end user. For more 信息, please visit the EdgeConneX Internet of Everywhere® at

iMiller Public Relations for EdgeConneX
+1 866 307 2510

媒体热线:+1 206 266 7180