


Let's cut right to the chase: The average streaming video content publisher loses 20% in potential revenue to piracy. That stunning number came out of a survey conducted by 流媒体, 帮助我流研究基金会, EZDRM的调查结果,其中讨论了 research keynote at the most recent 流媒体 Connect.

We share the top data points and analysis from the survey in a research brief called "内容和收入保护趋势2021." The report covers a number of key topics around content and revenue protection, from the typical digital rights management (DRM) trends to bigger questions about current and future features of rights management solutions.


更多的 than 200 respondents completed the survey in late summer 2021. While many of the respondents were from North America, 其他来自亚太地区, 欧洲, 和南美洲. Respondents self-selected from a number of industry segments, ranging from advertising and artists to over-the-air, 电缆, 和OTT广播公司. 除了, educators and various enterprises were represented by respondents whose job responsibilities ranged from engineering and operations to executive management.

One area that the report expands on is the disconnect between what's currently offered to customers in terms of content access, what those customers would like to see in terms of freedom to share content and view it wherever they are.

更有趣的是, 从专业的角度来看, respondents called for towards more restrictive DRM solutions, while also responding to consumer-facing questions with answers advocating for less restrictive approaches.

"Discrepancies continue between service business model implementation and legitimate consumer expectations,奥尔加·科尔尼延科说, EZDRM的联合创始人兼首席运营官, ,调查结果凸显了这一趋势."

The report also provides evidence that attack vectors—from the stark difference between personal and business online video consumption devices to the broad swath of operating systems (OS)—continue to multiply, alongside the general complexities of delivering video to so many different device-OS combinations.

Another portion of the report delves into the continued need for live stream security, which the pandemic brought to the fore as the number of live and interactive streams rose dramatically between early 2020 and summer 2021. 事实上, the survey shows that securing live streams is now seen as just as important as it has been for on-demand content.

最后, 该报告着眼于更新的全球DRM标准, 除了Google Widevine和Apple FairPlay, considers the emergence of DRM+ as a blended approach to security.


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